Social Media:

Engage Your Audience with Valuable Content

In today's digital age, social media is a powerful tool to connect with your target audience. Our social media experts craft compelling content that resonates with your audience, fostering genuine engagement. By delivering value and understanding your audience's preferences, we build a loyal community around your brand. From creative visuals to engaging copy, we know how to spark conversations and turn followers into brand advocates.

About-Image About-Image
About-Image About-Image
Pricing Plans
  • Check-image Accounts Review/Creation
  • Check-image Ideal Customer
  • Check-image Up to 10 Posts FB and IG (Images)
  • Check-image Templates design
  • Check-image Profile imporvement/update
  • Check-image Ideal Customer creation (1)
  • Check-image Core Message
  • Check-image Up to 15 Facebook posts per month (Images)
  • Check-image Up to 3 videos on Facebook per month (Stock Videos)
  • Check-image Facebook Awareness Campiaing (budget for ads not included)
  • Check-image Ideal Customer creation (2)
  • Check-image Core Message
  • Check-image Up to 15 Facebook posts per month (Images)
  • Check-image Up to 3 videos on Facebook per month (Stock Videos)
  • Check-image Facebook Awareness Campiaing (budget for ads not included)
  • Check-image Creation of 3 pilar contents (key messages)
  • Check-image Up to 15 Instagram posts per month (Images)
  • Check-image Up to 3 videos on Instagram per month (Stock Videos)
  • Check-image Instagram Awareness Campiaing (budget for ads not included)
Website Development:

Make Your Business Double

A website is more than just an online presence; it's your virtual storefront and the heart of your business. Our website development team doesn't just create a visually appealing site; we build an interactive experience that puts your customers first. By understanding their needs and desires, we create a seamless user journey that drives conversions. Your website will become a lead generation powerhouse, attracting and captivating potential customers around the clock.

Pricing Plans
  • Check-image Website Design and deveoplment (Up to 5 pages)
  • Check-image Stock Images (up to 15)
  • Check-image Copywriting
  • Check-image Responsive
  • Check-image Contact form
CA$1.350,00 Monthly
  • Check-image Website Design and deveoplment (Up to 8 pages)
  • Check-image Stock Images (up to 25)
  • Check-image Copywriting
  • Check-image Responsive
  • Check-image Contact form
  • Check-image CMS
  • Check-image Link to social media
  • Check-image Website Design and deveoplment (Up to 10 pages)
  • Check-image Stock Images (up to 30)
  • Check-image Copywriting
  • Check-image Responsive
  • Check-image
  • Check-image Contact form
  • Check-image
  • Check-image CMS
  • Check-image Link to social media
  • Check-image Landing Page Creation
  • Check-image SEO optimization
Ads Strategy:

Get Quality Leads and Maximize Opportunities

Investing in ads without a solid strategy can be costly and ineffective. That's where we come in! Our ads strategists analyze your target audience, competition, and market trends to design a seamless ad campaign. We focus on generating not just any leads, but qualified leads that hold the potential for conversion. From eye-catching ad creatives to data-driven targeting, we ensure your ad budget is utilized efficiently to deliver the best ROI.

Pricing Plans
CA $800,00

Up to CAD 500 in ads

  • Check-image Up to 2 social media platforms and 1 search engine
  • Check-image Setup of 1 campaign with up to 2 ads per channel
  • Check-image Configuration of behavioral and interest-based or keyword targeting
  • Check-image Remarketing campaigns included from the second month targeting previously created pages and/or audiences
  • Check-image Integration of tracking tags
  • Check-image Persuasive copywriting
  • Check-image Up to 2 monthly campaign revisions
  • Check-image Monthly report and analysis
CA $1.200,00

Up to CAD 500 in ads

  • Check-image Up to 2 social media platforms and 1 search engin3
  • Check-image Setup of 2 campaign with up to 2 ads per channel
  • Check-image Configuration of behavioral and interest-based or keyword targeting
  • Check-image Remarketing campaigns included from the second month targeting previously created pages and/or audiences
  • Check-image Integration of tracking tags
  • Check-image Persuasive copywriting
  • Check-image Up to 2 monthly campaign revisions
  • Check-image Monthly report and analysis
CA $1.910,00

Up to CAD 2000 in ads

  • Check-image Up to 3 social media platforms and 1 search engine
  • Check-image Setup of 2 campaign with up to 3 ads per channel
  • Check-image Configuration of behavioral and interest-based or keyword targeting
  • Check-image Remarketing campaigns included from the second month targeting previously created pages and/or audiences
  • Check-image Integration of tracking tags
  • Check-image Persuasive copywriting
  • Check-image Up to 2 monthly campaign revisions
  • Check-image Monthly report and analysis